Contact us

For all Amazon-related inquiries, please make sure to include the order number in your message, e.g.


Mr.  Pen Max Customer Support Line:

Text: (224) 36-MRPEN

Collaboration Requests: If you want to promote our products on your social media pages or YouTube channel, please send us an email at 


Retailer Application: If you are looking to sell Mr. Pen Max products through your store, please visit this page: 

Donation Requests: If you are a school or non-profit seeking donations, please submit this form: 

Parent and School Partnerships: If you are a school or parent and are looking to use Mr. Pen Max products for school year discounted packs: 

Contact Mr. Pen Max

We’re happy to answer any questions or help with returns. Just fill out the form below and we’ll get with you right away!